Speaking Pulls Comprehension in Foreign Language Learning


If someone is familiar with a foreign language or perhaps interested in learning it, it’s most likely because he often hears it spoken by friends and family members…or he hears it in the workplace or in the community. He hears these conversations but he does not participate in them…and no one expects him to. He’s just a listener.

Naturally, he hears the same common words and phrases and begins to pick up their meaning. Some of these words are similar to their English equivalent, so he begins to realize there are many words in the foreign language that he can recognize and even pronounce.

This passive learning continues for a period of time, perhaps even for years, with no conscious effort on his part to actually study or learn the language. He just keeps picking up words and phrases. He even says them on occasion, especially the ones that are advantageous to him. He learns how to say “I like this” to the mother-in-law who often serves him delicious food. Shortly after, he learns how to say “I want more” and “You look beautiful.”

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