Joseph Gonzales – Welcome to My Website2023-07-13T15:49:13-05:00

Welcome to my site. I’m Joseph Gonzales. I write on a variety of topics that interest me…mainly just for the joy of writing and connecting with readers. I live and work in Pearland, Texas. That’s me in the photo below with the two loves of my life; Aniela and Abram (my A-team).

I write on a variety of topics and issues that interest me...politics, entrepreneurship, music and much more. I'm Joseph Gonzales. Welcome to my website.

There are no ads on this site, nor any requests for your money. But I would certainly appreciate if you left a note to mention you were here. My post categories are below, followed by my latest posts from all the categories. My PROJECTS page includes posts about the books I’m reading and the things I’m building.

Joseph Gonzales

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